Posted in Radio

Shaping Special Hearts: Ministry to Special Needs Parents (Part 3) 03/25 by CMConnect | Religion Podcasts

Becoming a parent changes a lot of things about your life. Becoming a special needs parent changes who you are. Your dreams probably won’t stay the same. Any goals you had for life are altered drastically. In the words of Jolele Philo, you begin a “different dream.”

I’m very excited to interview Joe and Cindi Ferrini today about their journey as the parents of a child with special needs. Joe is lending a very valuable “dad perspective” that I’m so thrilled to share. Listen in or forward this to someone who is in friendship, kinship or ministry to a family affected by disability.


Shaping Special Hearts: Ministry to Special Needs Parents (Part 3) 03/25 by CMConnect | Religion Podcasts.

Posted in PURE Ministry

Should We Abandon Use of the Term “Special Needs Ministry?”

I think about this all the time: what defines a “special need.” Does it set my child apart from community more than other children? (yes) Does it leave room for his personhood? (no) Is there another way to define this? Check out this post from Key Ministry…

Should We Abandon Use of the Term “Special Needs Ministry?”.

Posted in Uncategorized

Shaping Special Hearts: Ministry to Special Needs Parents 03/11 by CMConnect | Religion Podcasts

I can’t tell you how excited I am about tomorrow’s show with special guest, Barbara Dittrich. We are continuing a series of conversations about how to support the parent of a child with special needs. These shows were designed to meet the needs I hear ministry leaders expressing when they ask: How can I communicate with this special needs mom/dad? Why aren’t they more forthcoming about their struggles? What are their emotional and spiritual needs?

This show is going to go a long way to answering those very questions.

Ministering to the emotional, spiritual, & physical needs of anyone is a tall order. When special needs parents are those people they can appear, in the words of our guest Barb Dittrich, like a “big ol’ bundle of need.” Join us as we discuss practical, yet meaningful ministry to these parents.

Barbara Dittrich is a nationally published author and speaker with a special heart for those raising children with chronic disorders, diff-abilities, and special needs. Wife to her beloved Steve for over 20 years, they raise their three children in beautiful Southeastern Wisconsin. With diagnoses including hemophilia, severe allergies, ADHD, and autism spectrum disorder in the household, Barbara faces life’s challenges with humor and compassion. Foundress of Snappin’ Ministries Inc, she energetically shares with others what God has hidden in her heart as she walks in devotion and obedience to Him.

If you can’t join us live, be sure to listen later to this or other Shaping Special Heartsshows in the archive at

Shaping Special Hearts: Ministry to Special Needs Parents 03/11 by CMConnect | Religion Podcasts.